Golden Circle – How to motivate your team.

Let’s talk about how to create a real team motivation using the “Golden Circle” theory.

To start talk about it , I want you reflect:  why some companies, some historical leaders have so much success at your time ?   I mean, let’s get Apple as example, why they have so much success? Why Apple it’s different from Dell/IBM , etc ?  Why Hitler had success engaging people to his evil cause ?

First time I heard about it on Simon Sinek – TED 2009. He explained how most of us think (including companies) , and Simon created a simple image to represent, as you can see below: We think from outside (what) to inside (why).


Change it is the key to understand how to have success selling ideas, products or as this post title reads motivate your team to a purpose. This was the key for Apple have success, this was the key for Hitler has success… this was the key of Martin Luther King success. They all started their communication from inside to outside, they explain why they believe and then they explained how they do, and finally they show what they do. Simon provides a nice example using Apple as model case:

If apple was like other companies , a market message would probably be like this :
“We make great computers (what), they are beautifully designed , simple to use and user friendly(how). Do you wanna buy one ? ”
But Apple makes different : “Everything we do we believe challenges the status quo, we believe and thinking differently (why). The way that we challenge the status quo is to make our products beautifully designed, simple to use and user friendly(how) , we just do great computers (what). Do you want to buy one ? “

People don’t buy what you do, they buy what you believe, that’s the secret, and the reason it works is not psychological, it’s BIOLOGICAL . This is related to how our brains works, it’s called The Triune Brain Theory ( Paul MacLean’s ) . Basically it’s explains our brains are divided in different parts ( if you starting now to make a link between this and the first image you are at the right way) :

  1. Neocortex : ( WHAT ) 
    Responsible for rational, analytic thinking and language
  2. Limbic (Middle two sections) (HOW, WHY)
    Responsible for all feelings like trust and loyalty, also responsible for all human behaviour all make decision  and have no capacity to language.

You can provide all facts and numbers to someone, and this person will think “Oh…I know all numbers , looks good..but I don’t know, it doesn’t feels right.. “, it happens because you start communicating from outside to inside.

So, starting communicating from inside to outside makes you talk to the part of the brain that makes decisions,that control feelings, this is how “intuitive” decisions can be created and nothing can be more powerful to motivate your team, because at this point all we share the same beliefs, and everybody will put their own souls and all energy to follow what they believe.

This is how you can use the golden circle theory to motivate your teams, first you need figure out why they need do something , why they need support each other ? after that you need to discover how they are gonna do that, and at last what they need do to do that. If you use this strategy you have a lot more chances to be successful , because you’ll show your beliefs and if they share them they will follow the goal as hard they can.

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